Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Am Back

I never knew it would be so hard to update a blog. I've been so busy trying to plan this wedding and look for a job.
I think I will continue to talk about how expensive weddings are. While looking for churches, i found out to rent a church it cost between $600-$1500. Crazy right?  I really don't understand why it cost that much. I would use my church but its very small. We are building a new church but it wont be done by the wedding date.
While calling some places, i found a church that would not charge me anything. The church is not exactly what i have in mind but i'll rather take it and save money than spend $1500.  My fiancĂ©e and I decided to go with the church and just give them a donation for allowing us to use the church.
Everything is going great with me. Everyday i realize how much God loves me. His love is so unconditional.
Thats it for today. Ill try to update soon.
have a wonderful week.

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